How to Install Python in Linux
How to Install Python in Linux A Step-by-Step Guide to Installing Python 3.13 Python is a versatile programming language used for various applications, from web development to data science. This guide will help you install Python 3.13 on a Linux system using the DeadSnakes PPA repository. Step 1: Check the Current Python Version Before installing […]
Vehicle Counting Using Python, YOLOv8, and OpenCV

Vehicle Counting Using Python, YOLOv8, and OpenCV —————————————————————————————————————— Environment set up video: After environment set up paste the below code into “” file——————————————————————————————————————import cv2 import pandas as pd from ultralytics import YOLO import cvzone import numpy as np from tracker import* model=YOLO(‘’) def RGB(event, x, y, flags, param): if event == cv2.EVENT_MOUSEMOVE : […]
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